CDECS is a name for catalytic action to the development initiatives in real sense. The whole effort of the organization is to initiate and facilitate an alternative view to this decade of development paradigm. The organization in its journey over the years has always strived to streamline and strengthen capsules of development for deprived and disadvantaged sections. Every step of action in the organization is focused and analyzed in the domain and benefits to the common man in order to develop faith, trust, confidence, strength and strong belief in them.
CDECS is a Value based development organization conceived and initiated by academicians, grass roots experts, ex-government think tank & development professionals. They have been mentoring organizations & contributing to the field of development through their knowledge, skill, and expertise at State & National level for over one and a half decade.
Institutionally, we believe in providing solutions and services to the socio-economic sectors which will enable them to grow and develop in a sustainable manner. We feel that our forte lies in empowering our partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries in creating and implementing solutions that will not only give them long-term benefits but also help in maximizing quality and effective functioning. Thus, we continuously strive to ensure quality, timeliness and change through our range of services & expertise. We put the ‘people’ into the focus while drawing & designing solutions and strategies.
Upon this, and bearing in mind the kind of expertise & kind of services we offer, our purpose is to set in the doable strategies which would be helpful and compatible for the people, area and governance. This would be of great help and sensitiveness for the social cause of the deprived and the underprivileged. We always try to provide enough to develop capacities of our partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries associated to our principals everywhere and every time they need.
As an organization we invest in ourselves so that we can offer cutting-edge products to beneficiaries, stakeholders and partners with which we work for. This is important to us as we want to foster long term relationship and look for better processes and outcome which definitely have longer sustainability and utility for larger number of people and would also help in developing stronger bond & relationship.
CDECS a name for catalyzing the development intervention in the development sector specially the socio-economic development sector to facilitate real development.
Organizationally, we focus on Training, Research, & Development Intervention in socio-economic and Infrastructure development to support better Management in the endeavor.